
Neck Lift In Iran

As insignificant as the neck may seem in comparison to other areas of the body, the neck is an important aspect of a person’s entire look, and neck lifts can offer very dramatic results for those seeking a more youthful appearance.

If you’re contemplating cosmetic surgery to improve the look of your neckline, this procedure is undoubtedly one of the most effective treatments available for eliminating loose, aging, or sagging skin.

What To Do Before A Neck Lift Procedure?

In preparing for neck lift surgery, you may be asked to:

  • Get lab testing or a medical evaluation
  • Take certain medications or adjust your current medications
  • Stop smoking
  • Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding

Special instructions you receive will cover:

  • What to do on the night before and morning of surgery
  • The use of anesthesia during your neck lift
  • Post-operative care and follow-up

A neck lift may be performed in an accredited office-based surgical facility, licensed ambulatory surgical center or a hospital.

 Since your neck lift will be performed on an outpatient basis, be sure to arrange for someone to drive you to and from surgery and to stay with you for at least the first night following surgery



Neck Lift Surgery

A neck lift procedure is typically performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation.

 Your cosmetic surgeon will make a small incision behind each ear, and depending on your needs may also make a third small incision underneath the chin.

What Are The Different Techniques Of Neck Lift?

A neck lift involves:

  • Incisions are made under the chin or behind the ears depending on the technique chosen.
  • The platysma muscle is tightened and sewn together (corset platysmaplasty) similar to the way shoelaces are drawn.
  • Excess skin and fat are carefully trimmed away.
  • Tissue and skin are repositioned and secured with sutures.
  • Incisions are closed and drains may be placed before the wounds are bandaged.

Liposuction might be enough to contour the neck slightly, only if fat needs to be removed and your skin quality is good. When there are more significant signs of aging, such as a turkey wattle, excess fat, sagging skin, and/or a prominent platysma muscle, a more extensive kind of procedure is required that will address all of those problem areas.


Patients who undergo neck lift should be prepared to take some time off work, ranging from one to two weeks. In the first twenty-four hours after surgery, patients should arrange to have a friend or family member stay with them, as movement will be difficult.

 The first few days will be spent primarily in bed, with prescription pain medication being taken to control any pain or discomfort.

It is important that patients have a supply of comfortable, loose-fitting shirts or blouses that button up the front, as pulling clothing over the head could interfere with healing.

Even after returning to work, patients will have to be careful to avoid strenuous activity, such as heavy lifting or sports, for a few weeks.

As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection and bleeding associated with neck lift surgery. Bruising and swelling, especially in the first few days after surgery, are inevitable.

Patients should be attentive to any signs that healing is not progressing properly, such as pus at the incision sites, and contact their surgeons immediately if there are any potential issues.




What Flaws Can a Neck Lift Treat?

A neck lift can get rid of loose “bands” of skin and fat that accumulate with age, as well as accentuate the patient’s jaw and reduce the “jowly” appearance that also sometimes occurs.

 It cannot completely restore a patient’s skin to its youthful condition, but it can make the person look years younger.

 Also, the impression of weight loss can be achieved with a neck lift, though candidates should talk to a doctor to establish reasonable expectations.


 Iran is one of the best places for those who are looking for a county to get their neck list done and save lots of money. Nowadays, People are getting more and more eager to get their procedures, including neck lift surgery in Iran because of both the high quality and the reasonable price.

 Beauty clinics and hospitals and top medical schools which had passed by well-skilled doctors are other reasons that you have to book your ticket right now

Advantages And Disadvantages of a Neck Lift

Advantages consist of:

The intention and main advantage of a neck lift are that it can take both years and pounds off your appearance.

 If you have already lost a significant amount of weight and have excess skin, neck lift can remove this skin and tighten what remains to match your new frame.

 The results of this surgery are long lasting, usually beginning to fade after two to three years.

Its results are subtle but noticeable, so it may be a good option if you are looking for a little touching up as opposed to a full makeover.

A neck lift can be combined with other surgical lifts, such as face and brow lifts, and liposuction to achieve the desired contours. The doctor may also use Botox to counteract any horizontal lines or ‘bands’ in the neck.

The scars from a neck lift are generally small and hidden behind the ears and beneath the chin, where they are easily concealed or not otherwise noticeable



Disadvantages consist of:

As with any surgery, there are inherent risks with a neck lift.

Alert your doctor if you have a known allergy to anesthetics. Bruising and swelling are common during the healing process.

Infection can develop at the incision site; it is important to monitor your temperature for any signs of fever.

A neck lift is considered a cosmetic procedure and is generally not covered by medical insurance.

You will need to take at least 10 days off work and cannot exercise for three weeks after surgery. This can be stressful and inconvenient for those with a busy routine.

Neck lift cost in Iran

According to the type of surgery, clinics or hospital that you’d like to get your surgery done, the cost of a typical neck lift is between $2000 and $3500.

This includes all related costs, such as anesthesia, medicine, clinic fee, and pre-op tests. To make a comparison, a typical neck lift surgery in Australia ranges between $8000 and $1300.




Frequently Asked Questions About Neck Lift Surgery

Why should a person consider a neck lift?

The skin on the neck can become loose and slack over time. As a person ages, fatty deposits may form under the chin, and muscle banding on the neck may occur. A neck lift helps a person correct these problems. It has been shown to reduce excess skin and muscle laxity on the neck, resulting in a rejuvenated appearance of the neck and throat.


Am I a viable candidate for a neck lift?

The ideal candidate for a neck lift may display fat deposits and buildup under the chin and around the jowls, combined with laxity of the neck skin or muscles. Additionally, an individual may benefit from a neck lift if loose, excess skin leads to drooping or sagging of skin along the neck.

 How Long Do the Results Last?

The results of neck lifts can last for as long as 10 to 15 years. It depends on the individual aging process and skin condition.

You can make the results last longer by taking adequate care of your skin after the surgery. It is important to understand that your face will continue to show signs of aging after the surgery. Results will vary for each person, and it is important to have realistic goals for treatment.

Is it Possible To Combine Procedures?

It is recommended to combine other plastic surgery procedures such as facelift, BOTOX, fat transfer, or other similar procedures to achieve overall better results.



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