Hair Transplants

Hair Transplants

A hair transplant is a procedure that moves hair follicles from donor site, which is often back of the head, to recipient site that is a bald or balding part of the head. If these hair follicles, which are usually natural, are transplanted properly, they will give a great result to the person. There are three types of hair transplant methods.

Generally, hair transplant procedure can be carried out as FUT or FIT.



FUT Hair Transplant Procedure

Each intact follicular unit of the scalp generally has several hairs. During this surgery, a strip of skin is removed from the back and sides of your head. These two areas of the scalp are usually used for hair transplants, because they are not prone to hair loss. Then the wound at the back of the head is closed with stitches, and the strip is divided into grafts, and these grafts are placed into the recipient site. In FUT procedure, hair follicles are removed from an area unaffected by hair loss, and after hair transplantation, the transplanted hairs will not fall out.

FIT Hair Transplant Procedure

In FIT hair transplant procedure, an overnight stay is not required, and it is performed under local anesthesia. Also, because of being an outpatient and simple procedure, visits and cares are not necessary after hair transplantation. In this method, the number of follicle units which can be harvested are up to three times more than other surgical methods, so the doctor needs one or two days to carry out a hair transplant surgery completely. However, in this type of hair transplants, the patient is given time to rest between different stages to not to be bored.

The Combined FUT And FIT Procedure

In a combined hair transplant, both FUT and FIT procedures are used. This surgery is usually carried out in two days that in each day, hair transplant is done in one part, so it has the potential of transplanting large amounts of hair in the shortest possible time.

Using both methods in one procedure, results in a maximum use of head’s hair bank. In this procedure, almost all bald areas are covered and hair density increases up to a normal amount.



In this procedure, the transplanted hair grafts are 2 or 3 times more than it in other procedures. The combined FUT and FIT technique is suitable for people who want a high hair density quickly and in a short time.

In this procedure, hairs that are of high quality are transplanted to the front of the head, and the crown and back of it receive lower quality hairs, resulting in a natural look of the patient.

In all three methods of hair transplant, new hair starts growing 2 to 3 months after the procedure, and it usually takes a year to grow completely.


An Important Point Before A Hair Transplant

Nowadays, hair transplants are done with these methods, which are often safe, and most people get good results and are satisfied with them. Hair transplant surgery is very simple and safe, but complete observance of safety tips, and the doctor’s knowledge and skill are essential for maintaining the patient’s health and satisfaction.



The first important point before a hair transplant is finding an experienced surgeon in order to get a satisfactory result. Today, FUT and FIT are two commonly used methods of hair transplants, that you can choose the most appropriate one by consulting your doctor. In these methods, hair follicles are transplanted one by one and in their natural form, so the transplanted hair grows like the natural hair.

What Are The Donor Sites For Hair Transplants?

In hair transplants, depending on the type of the method that is supposed to be used, hair is taken from back of the head or an area of the body.

Hair Transplant Methods

The method of a hair transplant is better to be chosen by your doctor. Nevertheless, the best method is FUT, which is to be performed twice a year apart, because in this procedure a large amount of hair is harvested in one session, its surgical time is shorter, and the patient’s hair bank is less damaged, resulting in a more natural looking hair and a higher hair density.

If the patient is afraid of surgery, does not want to have stitches on his or her head, or for any other reason is not willing to have FUT, he or she can choose FIT procedure.


Who Is Not A Good Candidate For A Hair Transplant?

Like an eyebrow transplant, a hair transplant is safe procedure and its side effects are few and rare, but you should refrain from it if you have one of the following.

_If the hair in the back of your head is not thick and full, you’ll be better not to have a hair transplant.

_Women with severe hair loss.

_If you take specialty drugs, such as chemotherapy drugs, you should refrain from hair transplants.

_People with abnormal and bad hair shafts are better not to get a hair transplant.


Post-Treatment Guidelines After Hair Transplants

_A few days after a hair transplant, you will have bleeding Which can be stopped with rest.

_After 2 to 3 days, go to the clinic and remove the stitches on your head.

_After a hair transplant, you should rest at home for at least two weeks in order to avoid any problems.

_Infection is another complication of hair transplants. First, prevent infections from being inflamed, then report it to your doctor.

_During the first two weeks of your hair transplant, avoid doing strenuous exercises and being exposed to direct sunlight.

_Prevent sweating of the scalp after a hair transplant, because sweating in this condition can cause infection in your hair grafts.

By following these tips, you can get the desired result.

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