Body lift

With the rise of bariatric surgery and extreme weight loss, body lift surgery is more in demand. Body lift surgery is meant to address loose, hanging skin that exists as a result of massive weight loss, pregnancy, or age and sun damage. The procedure raises, firms, and tightens the skin of the thighs, buttocks, hips (flanks), groin, waist, and abdomen. Also known as a lower body lift or belt lipectomy — so named because the incisions encircle the body like a belt, excess skin is removed and the surrounding tissue repositioned to create a more youthful and pleasing body contour.

What is body lift?

The body lift, also known as a lipectomy, is a surgical procedure that reshapes and lifts the lower body consisting of the abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks by removing excess skin, cellulite, and sagging fatty tissue. It is used to improve the body’s contour following massive weight loss after childbearing or weight loss surgery such as gastric bypass or may be performed to improve the results of liposuction. The body lift is often performed in conjunction with contouring procedures on other areas of the body.



Body lift Procedure

As a customized surgery, each patient’s body lift procedure will be different. On the day of your appointment, you will need to have a friend or family member drive you to the clinic or hospital where you will undergo surgery. Once you have checked in, your plastic surgeon will go over your unique surgical plan with you, one final time for your upper, lower, mid, or total body lift. He or she may make marks on your skin to show you where the incisions will fall and provide a guide during surgery. Then, nurses will prepare you for your procedure by cleaning your skin and dressing you in a medical gown. Next, your surgeon or anesthesiologist will administer general anesthesia or local anesthesia and sedation, at which point you will become very relaxed and will typically not remember anything about your surgery after this point.

During your procedure, your plastic surgeon will perform liposuction if necessary, then make the incisions you discussed to remove remaining fat deposits, tighten your muscles, and trim excess skin before suturing it closed so it lays smooth. He or she will then place bandages, compression garments, and drains over your incisions as needed. This process often takes between two and seven hours, according to the extent of your procedure.



Who Is the best candidate for body lift?

Many patients who have experienced dramatic weight loss want to undergo body lift surgery to enjoy smoother, trimmer figures. However, body lift surgery is a complex procedure, so you must meet certain criteria to be eligible. You may be a good candidate for body lift surgery if you:

  • Be in good overall health, able to undergo general anesthesia and recover well from surgery.
  • Suffer from drooping skin, fat, and tissue around your abdomen (although if this is mostly fat, you may need to lose more weight before pursuing a body lift).
  • Have lost between 30 and 50 percent of your peak weight.
  • Do not plan to become pregnant after surgery, since this could reverse the outcomes of your body lift.
  • Are committed to maintaining excellent nutrition and exercise so that you can heal properly and continue to enjoy the benefits of your procedure. Before and after surgery, it is particularly important that you eat a protein-rich diet to fuel your recovery.
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol to excess.
  • Have realistic expectations for the results of the surgery. Although your surgeon will work to make them as subtle as possible, you will most likely have scars from your incisions, and your skin may begin to sag again with aging.
  • Are in good mental and psychological health, since plastic surgery can be a long and emotional process for some patients.
  • Have a stable weight, since fluctuations could interfere with the results of this procedure. Most plastic surgeons recommend waiting approximately two years after reaching your weight loss goals to pursue surgery, which gives your skin time to accommodate and helps to ensure that you will not regain weight after surgery.
  • If you have lost weight due to bariatric surgery, your plastic surgeon will need your specialist’s approval to perform surgery. He or she will also likely collaborate with your general practitioner and nutritionist to keep you healthy and safe throughout this process.



Preparing Before Your Procedure

The day before your body lift, you should:

  • Fast for 12 hours before your appointment. Food can interfere with the anesthesia used during surgery, so make sure not to eat or drink anything except for water the night before your appointment.
  • Do not drink alcohol. This can also disrupt the medications used during surgery, so abstain from drinking alcohol.
  • Get restful sleep. Having a good night’s sleep before your surgery can help your body heal better. In addition, sleeping well may be difficult after your surgery, since you will have to deal with bandages and compression garments, so make sure to get good rest while you can.
  • Wash your skin thoroughly. Your nurses will likely clean your skin directly before surgery when you arrive, but it is also a good idea to wash yourself, especially in the treatment areas.
  • Drink lots of water. Proper hydration is vital to your body functioning and recovering well from surgery.
  • Make sure you have all the necessary supplies for when you return home. Although you should have already filled your prescriptions, arranged your schedule, and purchased your compression garments, it’s a good idea to run through a checklist of these items the day before your surgery so you can make sure you haven’t forgotten anything.



Body lift Recovery

According to the extent of surgery, you may remain in the hospital for 1-3 days. You may be fitted with an elastic compression garment to reduce swelling and maintain skin contour until healing is complete. A small drainage tube may be inserted to prevent fluid build-up. You may feel some pain and burning, for which your surgeon will prescribe pain medication and antibiotics to prevent infection. Dressings are removed 2-3 days after surgery, and sutures are removed in 7-10 days unless they are self-dissolving. You may return to work and non-vigorous activities in about 3-6 weeks, depending on the extent of surgery. However, you should start walking around as soon as possible in order to reduce the swelling and prevent blood clots in your legs. Regular exercise may be resumed in about 6-8 weeks or as advised by your surgeon. An attempt is made to place the scars in inconspicuous areas easily hidden by clothing or bathing suits, and gradually fade over the next year. Your surgeon will schedule follow-up visits, and you should not hesitate to call your surgeon between visits if you experience unusual symptoms such as heavy bleeding or pain. The final results of your body lift should be obvious about 3 months after surgery. If you eat a healthy diet and adopt a regular exercise program, you will maintain and strengthen your new uplifted body.

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